Traditional tobacco is a sacred plant and a gift given by the Creator to Indigenous people.
It’s important to honour the role tobacco plays in many Indigenous cultures. Traditional tobacco may be burned, carrying prayers to the spirit world. It’s used in medicines and has healing properties. It may be given as an offering to Mother Earth. Traditional tobacco can be given as a gift to an Elder. It’s a symbol of gratitude and respect, and of the Elder’s commitment to help you, often with prayers and spiritual guidance.
Commercial tobacco is different. Chemicals have been added to make it more addictive and more harmful. Over time, commercial tobacco has become a dangerous drug of abuse.
It’s important to honour the role tobacco plays in many Indigenous cultures. Traditional tobacco may be burned, carrying prayers to the spirit world. It’s used in medicines and has healing properties. It may be given as an offering to Mother Earth. Traditional tobacco can be given as a gift to an Elder. It’s a symbol of gratitude and respect, and of the Elder’s commitment to help you, often with prayers and spiritual guidance.
Commercial tobacco is different. Chemicals have been added to make it more addictive and more harmful. Over time, commercial tobacco has become a dangerous drug of abuse.