Tobacco, Vaping and Cannabis Information Series Photo of Trefferey Deerfoot seated on floor of Tipi conducting Tobacco Ceremony Indigenous People in Canada and Tobacco Understanding the Definitions The term "Aboriginal" refers to the first inhabitants of Canada and includes First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Peoples. First Nations refers to status (registered wit the Canadian Government under the Indian Act) and non- status Indian peoples of Canada. Today in Canada, the term First Nations is preferred to the term Indian. Inuit, refers to specifix groups of people primarily inhabiting the northern regions of Canada. Metis refers to a collective of cultures and ethnic identities that resulted from unions between Aboriginal and European people in what is now Canada. The term Aboriginal does not acknowledge the great amount of diversity among the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit. Many people prefer to identify with their local Nation (i.e., Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Mississauga, etc.). In November 2015, the Canadian government introduced the term Indigenous which "is used as an umbrella term for First Nations (status and non-status), Metis and Inuit". Indigenous refers to all of these groups, either collectively or separately and is the term used in an international context, the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Indigenous Journey and Health Inequities The long historical intergenerational traumas, which include colonization, dispossession and residential school systems have been linked to disconneciton from family and community network, extensive loss of language, cultural genocide, and institutionalized racism. The legacy of colonialism in conjunction with the disparities in the socioeconomic determinants of health which include employment, education, housing, income, food, stable ecosystem, access to healthcare, sustainable resources, social justice and health equity has negatively impacted their physical and psychological health outcomes and increased their vulnerablity to indulgence in harmful health behaviours such as smoking tobacco and alcohol abuse. Tobacco, Vaping and Cannibis Program - November 2022 Alberta Health Services logo